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Customization is what separates HostPaksT from its competitors. We support our clients with a professionally trained creative team!

Hostpaks™ Customized Template Samples (click icon to view)

Starter Sites
Site Transfers
Website ReDesign
Our Pro's create a simple starter web site for you. Great, for first time website owners or you just want a great start to build on. We transfer your existing website hosted somewhere else to Hostpaks. For our clients who want Hostpaks content editing ability and extra web site features. We can redesign your entire site to reflect your business brand. If you don't have a brand, you will when we're done. Our Pro's design pieces of your site. Like logos, headers, feature pages, demos, shopping carts, etc.

Webmercialonline™ Total custom web site (Not a Builder site)

Visit webmercialonline.com See the samples and get a quote!

Professional Design
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