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Need just the right touch to complete your site?
Need a logo, page design or any other type of website add on? This is the place to get started. Below you will find prices details you may need.

Make it your own! Have Hostpaks representative call you today!  Include details of what you need, contact phone number (If preferred contact method) also include your user name and password. Or Toll Free 1-866-HOSTPAKS (407-8725).
Header (New theme) $59-159.00
Customized Logo (3 versions to choose from) $149.00
Graphics / Page $125/page
Multimedia /Page $125.00-$259.00
Table creation $59.00-149.00
Feature demos/Plain/Java rollovers. $159-$199
Shopping cart products $99.00 per 10 products
One-Time Design Fee $99
*Have something not listed: database, HTML, coding etc. Contact Hostpaks for quote.

Professional Design
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